Any level is welcome to the Yoga with Llama Classes. (Age 8 and over recommended.) We will be doing about an hour of yoga and we will always show modifications.
Llamas will be roaming freely while we are doing yoga and guests are invited to pet, get pose support and just enjoy these llovable animals.
Afterwards, hang out for a bit to engage even more with the llamas, take pictures, or ask our knowledgeable 4-Hers Llama questions.
Bring your yoga mat, some water and an old towel. (Llamas “may” walk on your mat w dusty feet!)
You will leave with your heart captured by the Llamas!

Yoga with Llamas

Carlson's Llovable Llamas in Waconia
Schedule a private session in a private location or suitable public location - parks, backyards, and businesses
For more information, including dates and pricing, visit YogaWithLlamas.com

